Tag Archives: Florida

Tips for Staying Healthy on Vacation

Over Thanksgiving break, I spent a week visiting family in Florida and let me tell you – working out and eating healthy while on vacation is hard. Thankfully I had my mom and sister to keep me accountable and we all used each other to work out and eat healthy. Here are some tips I would like to share with you guys that I came up with on my own and grabbed from this website:

  • Buy your own snacks! This might sound a little silly, but it’s hard to eat healthy when you’re at your grandparents house and all you see is chocolate and ice cream to eat. We bought foods like oranges, apples and veggie straws to hold our cravings (most of the time).
  • Plan a workout daily. Mine was simple – every morning my mom and I went for a run around the neighborhood. Since we knew the area, we felt safe running around, but if you’re going to do this in a unfamiliar area, also bring a buddy and know where you want to run ahead of time.
  • Eat before the airport. This was a big one for us because airport food is ridiculously expensive and there’s not many fit options. Instead, we brought sushi, sandwiches and snacks inside with us and chowed on that while we were waiting and on the plane.
  • Have some fun! Even though you’re trying to stay healthy, it’s okay to miss a workout or eat some junk food.

We had an amazing time and even got to do some beach walking (great on the calves).

Calm before the storm... that got us all wet and made us cold.

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